PPA-340-2157 (Planning Permission Appeal)
 Land 50 Metres East Of St Madoes Church , St Madoes, PH2 7NX
 Erection Of 4 Dwellinghouses
 Planning permission
 01 Feb 2024
 Perth and Kinross Council (22/01815/FLL)
 03 Nov 2022
 17 Jan 2024
 Carseview Developments
 Mr Alan Macdonald
 Refusal of Application
 Site Inspection
 Decision issued
 Davidson, Rebecca (Tel: 01312448263 - Email: Rebecca.Davidson@gov.scot)
 Mr David Buylla
 01 Oct 2024
 30 Sep 2024 (Appeal Allowed )
 **Case Update – 30/09/2024** The decision on this case has been issued. The case has been allowed and consent has been granted.
 Housing (more than one house),

Go To Page:
Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
30 Sep 2024 30 Sep 2024 Decision Notice DPEA Decision notice - dated 30 September 2024 0.20MB (URL Details)
30 Sep 2024 30 Sep 2024 Correspondence DPEA to all parties Notification of decision notice 0.15MB (URL Details)
24 Sep 2024 24 Sep 2024 Correspondence Authority to DPEA Email confirming authority is content for deciison to be issued 0.23MB (URL Details)
01 Jul 2024 02 Jul 2024 Correspondence DPEA TO AGENT - Alan Macdonald Email confirming further six week extension granted 0.27MB (URL Details)
12 Jun 2024 12 Jun 2024 Correspondence Authority - Andy Baxter OBO PKC Email exchange providing update post intention 0.27MB (URL Details)
24 Apr 2024 24 Apr 2024 Decision Notice DPEA Notice of intention – dated 24th of April 2024 0.18MB (URL Details)
24 Apr 2024 24 Apr 2024 Correspondence DPEA to Interested Parties Advising of notice of intention 0.16MB (URL Details)
24 Apr 2024 24 Apr 2024 Correspondence DPEA to main parties Advising of notice of intention 0.15MB (URL Details)
27 Mar 2024 27 Mar 2024 Correspondence DPEA to authority Copying comments from appellant to Council 0.15MB (URL Details)
26 Mar 2024 27 Mar 2024 Statement Agent - Alan Macdonald OBO ATELIER-M Comments on representations 3.03MB (URL Details)

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