BDA-011-2021 (Building Designation Appeal)
 124 Balmore Road, Possilpark, Glasgow, G22 6LJ
 Appeal Against Decision By Historic Environment Scotland To List Building As A Category C Building
 30 Aug 2024
 Historic Environment Scotland (300070548)
 15 Jan 2024
 03 Jun 2024
 Mr Craig Donnelly
 Listing of the building
 No Further Procedure
 Ready for allocation to reporter
 Anderson, Jayne (Tel: 0131 244 6934 - Email:
 22 Nov 2024
 **Case Update – 09/09/2024** The appeal is ready to be allocated to a reporter and receipt of the planning authority response is due on 20 September 2024.The period for interested members of the public to make representation ends on 27 September 2024 . Any representations received by the deadline will be passed to the planning authority and agent for their comments.
 Designation of Building/Monument,

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
12 Sep 2024 12 Sep 2024 Correspondence DPEA to interested parties Acknowledge receipt of representation 0.12MB (URL Details)
11 Sep 2024 12 Sep 2024 Representation interested party O'Rourke, John-Paul 0.09MB (URL Details)
10 Sep 2024 12 Sep 2024 Representation interested party Dunlop, Alan 0.38MB (URL Details)
06 Sep 2024 09 Sep 2024 Correspondence Agent - Holmes Mackillop Solicitors Confirming one appeal submitted 0.21MB (URL Details)
04 Sep 2024 04 Sep 2024 Correspondence DPEA to Agent - Holmes Mackillop Solicitors Appeal is in order 0.16MB (URL Details)
04 Sep 2024 04 Sep 2024 Correspondence DPEA to Authority Requesting authority response 0.20MB (URL Details)
30 Aug 2024 04 Sep 2024 Documents List Agent - Holmes Mackillop Solicitors 000 - Document List 0.07MB (URL Details)
30 Aug 2024 04 Sep 2024 Authority Decision Agent - Holmes Mackillop Solicitors 001 - Authority Decision - dated 12 January 2024 0.18MB (URL Details)
30 Aug 2024 04 Sep 2024 Authority Decision Agent - Holmes Mackillop Solicitors 002 - Authority Decision - dated 03 June 2024 0.23MB (URL Details)
30 Aug 2024 04 Sep 2024 Application Form Agent - Holmes Mackillop Solicitors 003 - Application Form - dated 15 January 2024 0.14MB (URL Details)

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