PPA-300-2052 (Planning Permission Appeal)
 Lurg Hill, Deskford, Moray, AB56 5YF
 Erection Of 5 Wind Turbines (At Max Height 130M To Blade Tip) Control Building And Substation And Formation Of Access Tracks (Including Turning Heads) Hardstanding Temporary Construction Compound And Associated Works And Infrastructure
 Planning permission
 19 Sep 2018
 Moray Council (17/01198/EIA)
 01 Aug 2018
 20 Jun 2018
 Vento Ludens Ltd
 Mr Stuart Winter
 Refusal of Application
 Site Inspection, Further Written Submission
 Decision issued
 Case Owner, DPEA (Tel: 0300 244 6668 - Email: dpea@gov.scot)
 Mr Richard Hickman
 10 Apr 2019
 25 Feb 2019 (Appeal Allowed )
 Wind Farm (two or more turbines),

Go To Page:
Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
25 Feb 2019 25 Feb 2019 Decision Notice DPEA Decision notice - dated 25 February 2019 0.62MB (URL Details)
20 Feb 2019 20 Feb 2019 Further Supporting Information Agent - Jones Lang LaSalle Comments on responses to AEI 0.26MB (URL Details)
11 Feb 2019 11 Feb 2019 Further Supporting Information Authority Acknowleging response to email regarding Moray Local Development Plan 2020 0.26MB (URL Details)
11 Feb 2019 11 Feb 2019 Further Supporting Information Authority Confirming position on MOD withdrawing their objection 0.26MB (URL Details)
05 Feb 2019 11 Feb 2019 Further Supporting Information Agent - Jones Lang LaSalle Email regarding proposed conditions proposed by MOD to allow objection to be withdrawn 0.21MB (URL Details)
05 Feb 2019 11 Feb 2019 Further Supporting Information Authority Email advising of current timetable for Moray Local Development Plan 2020 (enclosing a copy of volume 1) 18.72MB (URL Details)
14 Jan 2019 15 Jan 2019 Further Supporting Information Historic Environment Scotland Consultation response to AEI 0.16MB (URL Details)
09 Jan 2019 09 Jan 2019 Further Supporting Information JRC Consultation response to AEI 0.12MB (URL Details)
08 Jan 2019 08 Jan 2019 Further Supporting Information SEPA Consultation response to AEI 0.20MB (URL Details)
04 Jan 2019 08 Jan 2019 Further Supporting Information Transport Scotland Consultation response to AEI 0.20MB (URL Details)

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