WIN-130-7 (Section 36 Wind Farm)
 Clachaig Glen Wind Farm, Land At High Clachaig Forest, 1.8Km North East, Kintyre, Argyll, PA29
 Application For Consent Under Section 36 Of The Electricity Act 1989 For The Clachaig Glen Wind Farm, Comprising 12 Turbines (Five With A Tip Height (Th) Of 200M, Seven With A Th Of 185M),Ancillary Infrastructure And Battery Storage Units
 16 Mar 2023
 Argyll and Bute Council (N/A)
 Site Inspection, Further Written Submission, Inquiry, Hearing
 Report Issued
 Bell, Colin (Tel: 0131 244 6902 - Email:
 Mr Alasdair Edwards
 23 Jan 2024
 18 Jul 2023
 26 Apr 2024
 **Case Update – 23/04/2024** A report for this case has been submitted to Scottish Ministers. A decision by Scottish Ministers will be made in due course.
 Wind Farm (two or more turbines), Battery Storage,

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
24 Jan 2024 24 Jan 2024 Correspondence DPEA to Agent - Pinsent Masons LLP Acknowledging receipt of consulation responses and EIAR public notices - CD001.202 to CD001.208 0.26MB (URL Details)
22 Jan 2024 25 Jan 2024 Correspondence DPEA to Authority Advising that council will be unable to attend 0.26MB (URL Details)
19 Jan 2024 06 Feb 2024 Documents Agent - Pinsent Masons LLP CD000.000 - Core Documents List - V7 (144137558.5) 0.46MB (URL Details)
19 Jan 2024 24 Jan 2024 Documents Agent - Pinsent Masons LLP CD001.205 - Application advertisement in Edinburgh Gazette - 18 March 2022 0.44MB (URL Details)
19 Jan 2024 24 Jan 2024 Documents Agent - Pinsent Masons LLP CD001.206 - Application advertisement in Scotsman - 18 March 2022 0.96MB (URL Details)
19 Jan 2024 24 Jan 2024 Documents Agent - Pinsent Masons LLP CD001.207 - Application advertisement in the Argyllshire Advertiser - 18 March 2022 1.02MB (URL Details)
19 Jan 2024 24 Jan 2024 Documents Agent - Pinsent Masons LLP CD001.208 - Application advertisement in the Argyllshire Advertiser - 25 March 2022 0.84MB (URL Details)
18 Jan 2024 18 Jan 2024 Correspondence DPEA to Participating Parties Advising that site inspection will proceed 0.17MB (URL Details)
18 Jan 2024 18 Jan 2024 Correspondence DPEA to Agent - Pinsent Masons Requesting consultation responses and date of EIAR 0.17MB (URL Details)
18 Jan 2024 18 Jan 2024 Correspondence DPEA to Agent - Pinsent Masons Further exchange requesting date of EIAR 0.24MB (URL Details)

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