SUO-310-001 (Stopping up order )
 Newton Shore, Lochranza, Isle Of Arran, KA27 8HL
 The North Ayrshire Council (Newton Shore, Lochranza) Path Diversion (Revised) Order 2024
 15 Apr 2024
 07 May 2024
 North Ayrshire Council (22/00890/PPP)
 Mr Neil Collar
 Site Inspection, Hearing
 Report Issued
 Ramsay, Elaine (Tel: 0131 244 7538 - Email:
 Mr Paul Cackette
 30 Jul 2024 at 11:00
 11 Feb 2025
 **Case Update – 02/10/2024** This case is currently being considered by Planning and Architecture.

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
19 Sep 2024 19 Sep 2024 Closing Submissions Authority Closing Submission - North Ayrshire Council 0.07MB (URL Details)
19 Sep 2024 19 Sep 2024 Correspondence DPEA and Authority Exchanges agreeing 1 day extension for closing submission 0.21MB (URL Details)
19 Sep 2024 19 Sep 2024 Correspondence DPEA to Parties Acknowledge receipt of closing submissions 0.14MB (URL Details)
18 Sep 2024 19 Sep 2024 Closing Submissions Objector Closing Submission - Baker, Mr David 0.67MB (URL Details)
18 Sep 2024 19 Sep 2024 Closing Submissions Objector Closing Submission - John Thomson Construction Ltd 0.31MB (URL Details)
16 Sep 2024 19 Sep 2024 Closing Submissions Objector Closing Submission - Cumming, Mr Robert 0.11MB (URL Details)
16 Sep 2024 19 Sep 2024 Closing Submissions Objector Closing Submission - Ford, Mr John 0.09MB (URL Details)
16 Sep 2024 19 Sep 2024 Closing Submissions Objector Closing Submission - Gruszecka, Dr Krystyna 0.14MB (URL Details)
12 Sep 2024 12 Sep 2024 Correspondence DPEA to Brodies LLP and Authority Further exchanges in relation to Plot 1 0.19MB (URL Details)
11 Sep 2024 12 Sep 2024 Correspondence Objector - Cumming, Mr Robert Thanking the reporter 0.07MB (URL Details)

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