ENA-230-2139 (Enforcement Notice Appeal)
 63/11 Bread Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9AH
 Alleged Breach Of Planning Control Involving The Material Change Of Use Of The Property From Residential Dwelling To Short Stay Commercial Visitor Accommodation
 29 Jun 2018
 City of Edinburgh Council (18/00169/ECOU)
 Mr & Mrs Barnes
 Mr Alastair Mckie
 Site Inspection, Further Written Submission
 Decision issued
 Case Owner, DPEA (Tel: 0300 244 6668 - Email: dpea@gov.scot)
 Ms Jo-Anne Garrick
 20 Aug 2018 at 11:30
 16 Nov 2018
 26 Nov 2018 (Appeal Dismissed )

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
29 Jun 2018 05 Jul 2018 Appeal form agent - Anderson Strathern LLP form and grounds - dated 29 June 2018 1.04MB (URL Details)
29 Jun 2018 05 Jul 2018 Documents List agent - Anderson Strathern LLP document list 0.35MB (URL Details)
29 Jun 2018 05 Jul 2018 Enforcement Notice or schedule agent - Anderson Strathern LLP authority enforcement notice - dated 1 June 2018 - A01 - Enforcement Notice 18-00169-ECOU 0.80MB (URL Details)
29 Jun 2018 05 Jul 2018 Documents agent - Anderson Strathern LLP A02 - Enforcement Notice 18-00165-ECOU 2.03MB (URL Details)
29 Jun 2018 05 Jul 2018 Documents agent - Anderson Strathern LLP A03 - Enforcement Notice 18-00153-ECOU 0.19MB (URL Details)
29 Jun 2018 05 Jul 2018 Documents agent - Anderson Strathern LLP A04 - Report by Scottish Expert Advisory Panel on the Collaborative Economy 1.54MB (URL Details)
29 Jun 2018 05 Jul 2018 Documents agent - Anderson Strathern LLP A05 - Section 128 of the Town and Country Planning Scotland Act 0.19MB (URL Details)
29 Jun 2018 05 Jul 2018 Documents agent - Anderson Strathern LLP A06 - Guidance for Businesses 1.83MB (URL Details)
29 Jun 2018 05 Jul 2018 Documents agent - Anderson Strathern LLP A07 - Guest Frequency Information 0.22MB (URL Details)
29 Jun 2018 05 Jul 2018 Documents agent - Anderson Strathern LLP A08 - House Rules 0.29MB (URL Details)

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