PPA-250-2384 (Planning Permission Appeal)
 St Regulus Cottage Gregory Place , St Andrews , Fife , KY16 9PU
 Erection Of Two Dwellinghouses
 Planning permission
 03 Oct 2022
 Fife Council (21/03478/FULL)
 03 Nov 2021
 12 Sep 2022
 Mr Martin Lightbody
 Mr Paul Devine - Sent by E-mail
 Refusal of Application
 Site Inspection
 Decision issued
 Walker, Laura (Tel: 0131 244 6938 - Email: Laura.Walker@scot.gov.uk)
 Mr David Buylla
 04 Jan 2023
 29 Dec 2022 (Appeal Dismissed )
 Housing (more than one house),

Go To Page:
Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
03 Oct 2022 05 Oct 2022 Appeal form Agent - Left City Ltd Appeal Form and Statement - dated 3 October 2022 4.16MB (URL Details)
03 Oct 2022 05 Oct 2022 Authority Decision Agent - Left City Ltd Authority Decision - dated 12 September 2022 0.26MB (URL Details)
03 Oct 2022 05 Oct 2022 Application Form Agent - Left City Ltd Application Form - dated 3 November 2021 0.09MB (URL Details)
03 Oct 2022 05 Oct 2022 Documents List Agent - Left City Ltd Document List 0.04MB (URL Details)
03 Oct 2022 05 Oct 2022 Documents Agent - Left City Ltd Appendix 02 - Committee Report 3.21MB (URL Details)
03 Oct 2022 05 Oct 2022 Documents Agent - Left City Ltd Appendix 03 - Schedule of Supporting Documents 0.06MB (URL Details)
03 Oct 2022 05 Oct 2022 Plans Agent - Left City Ltd Document 01 - Location Plan-Block Plan 0.19MB (URL Details)
03 Oct 2022 05 Oct 2022 Plans Agent - Left City Ltd Document 02 - Site Plan and Existing House Plans 0.26MB (URL Details)
03 Oct 2022 05 Oct 2022 Plans Agent - Left City Ltd Document 03 - Site Plan Existing and Proposed 0.26MB (URL Details)
03 Oct 2022 05 Oct 2022 Plans Agent - Left City Ltd Document 04 - Existing Elevations 0.22MB (URL Details)

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