PPA-260-2055 (Planning Permission Appeal)
 865 South Street, Glasgow, G14 0BX
 Alteration And Diversification Of Existing Waste Recycling Facility To Incorporate An Energy Recovery Facility Through Use Of And Extension To Existing Building And With Incorporation Of An Associated Flue And Infrastructure
 Planning permission
 06 May 2016
 Glasgow City Council (15/00549/DC)
 06 Mar 2015
 29 Feb 2016
 WH Malcolm Ltd
 Barton Willmore
 Refusal of Application
 Site Inspection, Further Written Submission
 Court of Session Decision Issued
 Case Owner, DPEA (Tel: 0300 244 6668 - Email: dpea@gov.scot)
 Mrs Karen Black
 06 Jul 2016 at 10:30
 23 Sep 2016
 24 Mar 2021 (Appeal Dismissed )
 19 Aug 2021
 Building Alterations (non-householder), Chimney/Flue, Power Station/Energy from Waste,
The decision for this case remains on the web site because the decision issued by DPEA has not been overturned, and judgements can be found on Court of Session’s website.

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
11 Jul 2016 15 Jul 2016 Further Supporting Information agent comments on representations from agent 0.22MB (URL Details)

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