PPA-230-2213 (Planning Permission Appeal)
 New Parliament House, 5 - 7 Regent Road, Edinburgh, EH7 5BL
 Change Of Use, Alterations To & Restoration Of Principal Former Royal High School Building/Pavilions (Original Thomas Hamilton-Designed School Buildings). Demolition Of Ancillary Buildings Including Former Gymnasium Block/Lodge, New Build Development, New/Improved Vehicular, Service/Pedestrian Accesses. Landscaping/Parking/Public Realm & Other Works To Create A World Class Hotel Of International Standing With Associated Uses Including Publicly Accessible Bars (Public House) & Restaurants Class 3
 Planning permission
 08 Nov 2017
 City of Edinburgh Council (17/00587/LBC), City of Edinburgh Council (17/00588/FUL), City of Edinburgh Council (17/00588/FUL), City of Edinburgh Council (17/00588/ful)
 21 Feb 2017
 11 Sep 2017
 Duddingston House Properties and Urbanist Hotels
 Mr Mark McMurray
 Refusal of Application
 Site Inspection, Inquiry, Hearing
 Decision issued
 Case Owner, DPEA (Tel: 0300 244 6668 - Email: dpea@gov.scot)
 Mr Scott Ferrie
 Mr Dannie Onn
 11 May 2018 at 10:00
 01 Feb 2018
 20 Jun 2018
 27 Oct 2020 (Appeal Dismissed )
 Building Alterations (non-householder), Demolition, Car park, Landscaping, Hotels, Restaurant/Cafe/Licensed Premises,

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
11 Oct 2018 04 Oct 2018 Documents Agent - CMS Indicative Witness Timetable 0.07MB (URL Details)
28 Feb 2018 28 Feb 2018 Oral Session Arrangements Interested party - Harrison, Neil Confirrming participation at oral process 0.39MB (URL Details)
22 Feb 2018 28 Feb 2018 Oral Session Arrangements Interested party - Lockett, Cheryl and Brian Confirming not taking part 0.07MB (URL Details)
22 Feb 2018 05 Mar 2018 Oral Session Arrangements Interested party - Harrison, Neil Confirming participation at oral process 0.37MB (URL Details)
16 Feb 2018 27 Feb 2018 Oral Session Arrangements Shepherd & Wedderburn LLP - RHSPT Confirrming participation at oral process 0.05MB (URL Details)
14 Feb 2018 14 Feb 2018 Oral Session Arrangements Agent - CMS Confirming participation at oral process 0.16MB (URL Details)
14 Feb 2018 14 Feb 2018 Oral Session Arrangements RRCTMA Confirming participation at oral process 0.03MB (URL Details)
13 Feb 2018 13 Feb 2018 Oral Session Arrangements Harper Macleod, for HES Harper Macleod, for HES - confirming participation at oral process 0.05MB (URL Details)
13 Feb 2018 13 Feb 2018 Oral Session Arrangements Authority - Burness Paull LLP Confirming participation at oral process 0.05MB (URL Details)
12 Feb 2018 13 Feb 2018 Oral Session Arrangements Interested party - Low, Sheila Confirming not taking part 0.04MB (URL Details)

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