ENA-230-2162 (Enforcement Notice Appeal)
 1F1 33 Milton Street, Edinburgh, EH8 8HB
 Alleged Material Change Of Use Of The Property From Residential Dwelling To Short Stay Commercial Visitor Accommodation
 17 Sep 2019
 City of Edinburgh Council (19/00367/ESHORT)
 Mr Ahmed Saleh
 Site Inspection
 Decision issued
 Case Owner, DPEA (Tel: 0300 244 6668 - Email: dpea@gov.scot)
 Mr Nick Smith
 11 Nov 2019 at 13:00
 20 Dec 2019
 04 Dec 2019 (Appeal Dismissed )

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
11 Oct 2019 14 Oct 2019 Authority Response Form Authority Response form 0.21MB (URL Details)
11 Oct 2019 14 Oct 2019 Statement Authority Statement 0.07MB (URL Details)
11 Oct 2019 14 Oct 2019 Documents Authority Delegated Enforcement Action Report 0.10MB (URL Details)
11 Oct 2019 14 Oct 2019 Documents Authority Edinburgh Local Development Plan - Policy Hou 7 - Inappropriate Uses in Residential Areas 0.05MB (URL Details)
11 Oct 2019 14 Oct 2019 Documents Authority DPEA decision notice ENA-230-2129 - 3F1, 14 Chancelot Terrace, Edinburgh 0.12MB (URL Details)
11 Oct 2019 14 Oct 2019 Documents Authority English and Welsh Court of Appeal Judgement - Sheila Moore v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government & Suffolk Coastal District Council 0.17MB (URL Details)

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