ENA-290-2005 (Enforcement Notice Appeal)
 Land At 2 Viewbank Road, Bonnyrigg, Midlothian, EH19 2HB
 The Alleged Unauthorised Material Change Of Use Of A Studio Building On The Land From Use For Domestic Purposes To Use As A Residential Unit For Short Term Letting (‘Airbnb’), Forming A Separate Unit Of Residential Accommodation From The Dwellinghouse On The Same Land.
 09 Jan 2020
 Midlothian Council (N/A)
 Mr & Mrs Taylor
 Ms Debbie McLean
 Site Inspection
 Decision issued
 Case Owner, DPEA (Tel: 0300 244 6668 - Email: dpea@gov.scot)
 Mrs Alison Kirkwood
 02 Apr 2020
 17 Mar 2020 (Appeal Dismissed )

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
29 Jan 2020 30 Jan 2020 Authority Response Form Authority Response form 0.13MB (URL Details)
29 Jan 2020 30 Jan 2020 Documents Authority MC001 - Enforcement Notice E-19-11 1.03MB (URL Details)
29 Jan 2020 30 Jan 2020 Documents Authority MC002 - Enforcement Notice E-19-10 1.00MB (URL Details)
29 Jan 2020 30 Jan 2020 Documents Authority MC003 - Covering letter - dated 4 December 2019 0.03MB (URL Details)
29 Jan 2020 30 Jan 2020 Documents Authority MC004 - Part VI Enforcement 0.15MB (URL Details)
29 Jan 2020 30 Jan 2020 Documents Authority MC005 - Royal Mail Tracker Numbers 0.16MB (URL Details)
29 Jan 2020 30 Jan 2020 Documents Authority MC006 - Block Plan 1.29MB (URL Details)
29 Jan 2020 30 Jan 2020 Documents Authority MC007 - E-mail from G Young to Midlothian Council 4 January 2017 0.61MB (URL Details)
29 Jan 2020 30 Jan 2020 Documents Authority MC010 - Circular 10-2009 - Planning Enforcement 0.61MB (URL Details)
29 Jan 2020 30 Jan 2020 Documents Authority MC011 - Midlothian Planning Enforcement Charter 0.25MB (URL Details)

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