PPA-250-2371 (Planning Permission Appeal)
 Mountcastle Quarry, Melville Lodges,Bow Of Fife, Cupar, KY15 7RY
 The Erection Of 19 Fishing Platforms, Pontoon, Reception Building And Associated Works
 Planning permission
 16 Feb 2022
 Fife Council (20/03277/FULL)
 23 Dec 2020
 24 Nov 2021
 Eden Muir Ltd
 Ms Julia Frost
 Refusal of Application
 Site Inspection
 Decision issued
 Brown, Christine (Tel: 0131 244 6866 - Email: Christine.Brown@gov.scot)
 C Leigh
 11 May 2022
 11 May 2022 (Appeal Allowed )
 Road/Bridge, Landscaping, Other, Housing (single dwelling), Fish Farm,

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
31 Mar 2022 01 Apr 2022 Documents Authority Policies relevant to appeal 0.27MB (URL Details)
30 Mar 2022 31 Mar 2022 Documents Authority Confirming number of representations 0.23MB (URL Details)
25 Mar 2022 28 Mar 2022 Authority Response Form Authority Authority response 0.29MB (URL Details)
25 Mar 2022 28 Mar 2022 Statement Authority Authority statement 0.10MB (URL Details)
25 Mar 2022 28 Mar 2022 Documents Authority Committee report - 25 Janaury 2021 3.60MB (URL Details)
23 Mar 2022 24 Mar 2022 Documents Authority Update on submission of authority response 0.23MB (URL Details)
22 Feb 2022 22 Feb 2022 Documents Authority Neighbour Notification Audit 0.29MB (URL Details)
22 Feb 2022 22 Feb 2022 Documents Authority Consultee Letter List 0.14MB (URL Details)
22 Feb 2022 22 Feb 2022 Documents Authority Letter to Interested parties 0.10MB (URL Details)

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