PPA-270-2301 (Planning Permission Appeal)
 Land 75M Se Of Camas House, Fairways Business Park, Inverness, IV2 6AA
 Battery Energy Storage Facility Comprising Access Track, Compound Of Battery & Electrical Equipment, Meter Buildings, Stores, Fencing, Security Cameras And Associated Landscaping.
 Planning permission
 03 Jul 2024
 Highland Council (23/00497/FUL)
 01 Feb 2023
 11 Apr 2024
 Intelligent Land Investments Group PLC
 Refusal of Application
 Site Inspection, Further Written Submission
 Allocated to reporter
 Devoy, Audrey (Tel: 0131 244 8182 - Email: Audrey.Devoy@gov.scot)
 Mrs Rosie Leven
 26 Nov 2024
 **Case Update – 27/08/2024** Further written information has been sought. Further details are available from the procedure notice on the case file.
 Battery Storage,

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
01 Aug 2024 06 Aug 2024 Documents Authority Covering Emails 0.26MB (URL Details)
01 Aug 2024 06 Aug 2024 Authority Response Form Authority Response Form 0.24MB (URL Details)
01 Aug 2024 06 Aug 2024 Statement Authority Written Statement in response to appeal and Documents List 0.26MB (URL Details)
01 Aug 2024 06 Aug 2024 Documents Authority THC001 - Developer Contributions 2018 3.54MB (URL Details)
01 Aug 2024 06 Aug 2024 Documents Authority THC002 – Highland Standing Orders Relating to the Conduct of Meetings 26 October 2023 0.36MB (URL Details)
01 Aug 2024 06 Aug 2024 Documents Authority THC003 – Report to Highland Council on the Proposed Inner Moray Firth Proposed Local Development Plan 2 Examination 3.06MB (URL Details)
01 Aug 2024 06 Aug 2024 Documents Authority THC004 - Creating Places 9.22MB (URL Details)
01 Aug 2024 06 Aug 2024 Documents Authority THC005 - Draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan - Scottish Government 3.54MB (URL Details)
01 Aug 2024 06 Aug 2024 Documents Authority THC006 - Energy Efficient Scotland Route Map – Scottish Government 2.80MB (URL Details)
01 Aug 2024 06 Aug 2024 Documents Authority THC007 - PAN 1-2013 – Environmental Impact Assessments 0.35MB (URL Details)

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