PPA-180-2060 (Planning Permission Appeal)
 Flat 5, Tayview Flats, 12 Dock Street, Dundee, DD1 4BT
 Change Of Use From 3 Bedroom Flat To 4 Bedroom Hmo And Associated Alterations
 Planning permission
 27 Nov 2020
 Dundee City Council (20/00470/FULL)
 29 Jul 2020
 16 Nov 2020
 Grant Property Solutions Ltd
 Mr Henry Leadingham
 Refusal of Application
 Site Inspection, Further Written Submission
 Decision issued
 Case Owner, DPEA (Tel: 0300 244 6668 - Email: dpea@gov.scot)
 Mr Steve Field
 25 Feb 2021 at 11:00
 16 Apr 2021
 18 Mar 2021 (Appeal Dismissed )
 House in Multiple Occupation, Building Alterations (householder),

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
18 Mar 2021 18 Mar 2021 Decision Notice DPEA Decision Notice - dated 18 March 2021 0.15MB (URL Details)

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