CAT-170-1 (Community Asset Transfer Appeal)
 Portpatrick Public Hall, The Harbour, North Crescent, Portpatrick, DG9 8TZ
 Community Asset Transfer Of The Portpatrick Village Hall To The Portpatrick Harbour Community Benefit Society
 Community Asset Transfer Application
 13 Aug 2020
 Dumfries and Galloway Council (CF/Review)
 04 Jun 2019
 16 Jun 2020
 Portpatrick Harbour Community Benefit Society
 Refusal of Application
 Site Inspection, Further Written Submission
 Decision issued
 Case Owner, DPEA (Tel: 0300 244 6668 - Email:
 Mr Mike Croft
 27 Jan 2021
 09 Jun 2021 (Appeal Dismissed )
 Community Asset Transfer,

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
23 Sep 2020 23 Sep 2020 Minute of Appointment DPEA Appointment of Mike Croft 0.09MB (URL Details)
13 Aug 2020 02 Mar 2021 Minute of Appointment Community Empowerment Team Appointment of Mike Croft 0.08MB (URL Details)

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