PPA-390-2082 (Planning Permission Appeal)
 Land North West Of And At Burnside Works , Main Street , Thornhill, FK8 3PR
 Employment And Residential Use (Approximately 70 Units) Including Affordable Housing
 Planning permission in principle
 08 May 2022
 Stirling Council (21/01017/PPP)
 06 Dec 2021
 Mr David Howel
 Failure to give a decision
 Site Inspection, Further Written Submission
 Decision issued
 Kennedy, Christopher (Tel: 0131 244 6901 - Email: Christopher.Kennedy@gov.scot)
 Ms Sinead Lynch
 13 Oct 2023
 16 Oct 2024 (Appeal Dismissed )
 **Case Update – 16/10/2024** The decision on this case has been issued. The case has been dismissed and consent has been refused.
 Retail (non-food), Housing (10 or more houses),

Go To Page:
Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
16 Oct 2024 16 Oct 2024 Correspondence DPEA to - Agent Pegasus Consultancy Ltd Notification of decision notice 0.12MB (URL Details)
16 Oct 2024 16 Oct 2024 Correspondence DPEA to - Authority Notification of decision notice 0.12MB (URL Details)
16 Oct 2024 16 Oct 2024 Correspondence DPEA to - Interested parties Notification of decision notice 0.12MB (URL Details)
08 May 2024 08 May 2024 Correspondence DPEA to Authority Advising that appeal will remain sisted 0.17MB (URL Details)
08 May 2024 08 May 2024 Correspondence DPEA to Agent - Pegasus Consultancy Ltd Advising that appeal will remain sisted 0.17MB (URL Details)
06 Sep 2023 06 Sep 2023 Correspondence DPEA to Interested Parties Advising that appeal will be sisted 0.13MB (URL Details)
05 Sep 2023 05 Sep 2023 Correspondence DPEA to Agent - Pegasus Consultancy Ltd Confirming delay 0.12MB (URL Details)
07 Aug 2023 07 Aug 2023 Correspondence DPEA to Lawrie-Lin Waller acknowledge receipt of late response and invite comments on responses 0.22MB (URL Details)
07 Aug 2023 07 Aug 2023 Correspondence DPEA to Lin Waller acknowledge receipt of late response and invite comments on responses 0.20MB (URL Details)
04 Aug 2023 04 Aug 2023 Correspondence DPEA to Agent Pegasus Consultancy Request for sist refused 0.19MB (URL Details)

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