PPA-270-2277 (Planning Permission Appeal)
 Meall Buidhe Wind Farm, Land 4420M Nw Of Croick Estate , Ardgay, IV27
 Erection Of And Operation Of A Wind Farm For A Period Of 25 Years Comprising Of 8 Wind Turbines Access Tracks, Substation, Control Building, And Ancillary Infrastructure With A Maximum Output Of 40 Megawatts
 Planning permission
 20 Oct 2022
 Highland Council (20/02659/FUL)
 14 Jul 2022
 25 Jul 2022
 Meall Buidhe Renewables LLP
 Mr Rory Dowell
 Refusal of Application
 Site Inspection, Further Written Submission
 Decision issued
 Bell, Colin (Tel: 0131 244 6902 - Email: colin.bell@gov.scot)
 Ms Allison Coard
 14 Aug 2023
 14 Jun 2023 (Appeal Allowed )
 Wind Farm (two or more turbines),

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
22 Nov 2022 22 Nov 2022 Correspondence DPEA to Interested Parties Acknowledge receipt of representations 0.08MB (URL Details)
09 Nov 2022 09 Nov 2022 Minute of Appointment DPEA appointment of Allison Coard 0.08MB (URL Details)

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