WIN-170-2008 (Section 36 Wind Farm)
 Scoop Hill Community Wind Farm, Located Approximately 5 Km South East Of Moffat, Dumfries And Galloway , DG11 2LP
 Application Under S36 Of The Electricity Act 1989 For The Scoop Hill Community Wind Farm Comprising Of 60 Turbines (23 Turbines At 250M To Tip, 2 Turbines At 225M To Tip, 29 Turbines At 200M To Tip, And 6 Turbines At 180M To Tip) With A Combined Generating Capacity Of 432Mw, And Associated Works
 17 May 2024
 Dumfries and Galloway Council (N/A)
 Keith Campbell
 CWL Energy Limited
 Site Inspection, Further Written Submission, Inquiry, Hearing
 Allocated to reporter
 Devoy, Audrey (Tel: 0131 244 8182 - Email:
 Mr Christopher Warren
 12 Sep 2024
 03/12/2024 at Moffat Town Hall
10/12/2024 at Virtual Meeting
 28 May 2025
 **Case Update – 10/09/2024** A virtual pre-examination meeting into this case will be held. The date can be viewed on the case website . Members of the public can view the proceedings at
 Wind Farm (two or more turbines),

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
09 Oct 2024 10 Oct 2024 Correspondence DPEA and Consultee - Moffat and District Community Exchange regarding workspace for submission of documents and participation of Visit Moffat 0.17MB (URL Details)
25 Sep 2024 26 Sep 2024 Correspondence DPEA to Agent - CMS CMNO LLP Advising response to queries on procedural matters within the PEM Note 0.27MB (URL Details)
03 Sep 2024 09 Sep 2024 Correspondence DPEA to interested party - Lucking, Stephen Acknowledging receipt of email of 2 September 2024 0.13MB (URL Details)
26 Aug 2024 26 Aug 2024 Correspondence DPEA to Interested Party - Barron, David Enclosing copy of letter of 16 August and PEM Agenda 0.15MB (URL Details)
23 Aug 2024 23 Aug 2024 Correspondence DPEA to Interested Party - Lucking, Stephen Acknowledging receipt of email regarding third parties stance 0.20MB (URL Details)
16 Aug 2024 16 Aug 2024 Correspondence DPEA and Interested Party - Lucking, Stephen Exchange regarding correspondence between DPEA and ECU 0.10MB (URL Details)
15 Aug 2024 15 Aug 2024 Correspondence DPEA to CMS CMNO, Morton Fraser MacRoberts and Aut Confirming that inquiry to proceed in accordance with planned timescales 0.14MB (URL Details)
08 Aug 2024 08 Aug 2024 Correspondence DPEA & interested parties McDonald, E and Megson, Exchange clarifying precise location of Murthat Farm 0.21MB (URL Details)
07 Aug 2024 08 Aug 2024 Correspondence DPEA to Interested Party - Lucking, Stephen Response regarding inquiry procedures and cumulative baseline 0.14MB (URL Details)
19 Jul 2024 23 Jul 2024 Correspondence DPEA to Agent - CMS CMNO LLP Requesting final comments from applicant regarding MoD response to applicant request to delay inquiry session 0.30MB (URL Details)

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