PPA-250-2384 (Planning Permission Appeal)
 St Regulus Cottage Gregory Place , St Andrews , Fife , KY16 9PU
 Erection Of Two Dwellinghouses
 Planning permission
 03 Oct 2022
 Fife Council (21/03478/FULL)
 03 Nov 2021
 12 Sep 2022
 Mr Martin Lightbody
 Mr Paul Devine - Sent by E-mail
 Refusal of Application
 Site Inspection
 Decision issued
 Walker, Laura (Tel: 0131 244 6938 - Email: Laura.Walker@scot.gov.uk)
 Mr David Buylla
 04 Jan 2023
 29 Dec 2022 (Appeal Dismissed )
 Housing (more than one house),

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
20 Oct 2022 20 Oct 2022 Representation Interested Party A & M Sproson Picture Framers 0.11MB (URL Details)
20 Oct 2022 21 Oct 2022 Representation Interested Party Simpson, Ann & Fraser 0.90MB (URL Details)
20 Oct 2022 21 Oct 2022 Representation Interested Party Sproson, Margo 0.15MB (URL Details)
18 Oct 2022 18 Oct 2022 Representation Interested Party Harding, Judith 0.10MB (URL Details)
12 Oct 2022 12 Oct 2022 Consultation to DPEA Consultee - HES Historic Environment Scotland 0.17MB (URL Details)
11 Oct 2022 11 Oct 2022 Representation Interested Party Main, Chris on behalf of the Kirkhill Residents 0.15MB (URL Details)

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