PPA-270-2277 (Planning Permission Appeal)
 Meall Buidhe Wind Farm, Land 4420M Nw Of Croick Estate , Ardgay, IV27
 Erection Of And Operation Of A Wind Farm For A Period Of 25 Years Comprising Of 8 Wind Turbines Access Tracks, Substation, Control Building, And Ancillary Infrastructure With A Maximum Output Of 40 Megawatts
 Planning permission
 20 Oct 2022
 Highland Council (20/02659/FUL)
 14 Jul 2022
 25 Jul 2022
 Meall Buidhe Renewables LLP
 Mr Rory Dowell
 Refusal of Application
 Site Inspection, Further Written Submission
 Decision issued
 Bell, Colin (Tel: 0131 244 6902 - Email: colin.bell@gov.scot)
 Ms Allison Coard
 14 Aug 2023
 14 Jun 2023 (Appeal Allowed )
 Wind Farm (two or more turbines),

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
08 Dec 2022 08 Dec 2022 Statement Agent - Muirden Energy LLP Response to NORoS submission dated 30-11-22 0.60MB (URL Details)
08 Dec 2022 08 Dec 2022 Documents Agent - Muirden Energy LLP APP005.015 - Clash Gour Wind Farm Decision Letter dated 21 October 2022 0.75MB (URL Details)
08 Dec 2022 08 Dec 2022 Documents Agent - Muirden Energy LLP APP005.016 - Clash Gour Wind Farm Inquiry Report dated 25 February 2022 1.87MB (URL Details)
08 Dec 2022 08 Dec 2022 Documents Agent - Muirden Energy LLP Appeal Document List 0.12MB (URL Details)
08 Dec 2022 08 Dec 2022 Documents Agent - Muirden Energy LLP APP005.017 - Rothes III Wind Farm Decision Letter dated 21 October 2022 0.46MB (URL Details)
08 Dec 2022 08 Dec 2022 Documents Agent - Muirden Energy LLP APP005.018 - Rothes III Wind Farm Inquiry Report dated 25 February 2022 2.04MB (URL Details)
08 Dec 2022 08 Dec 2022 Documents Agent - Muirden Energy LLP APP005.019 - Slickly Decision Notice - dated 23 August 2022 0.31MB (URL Details)

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