NA-260-002 (Notified application)
 Ingram Street/Albion Street, Glasgow, G1 1NQ
 Mixed Use, Seven Storey Development Consisting Of 109 Apartments And Commercial Units, Site Bounded By Candleriggs/ Ingram Street/ Albion Street, Glasgow
 07 Feb 2023
 28 Feb 2023
 Glasgow City Council (22/01225/FUL), Glasgow City Council (22/01225/FUL), Glasgow City Council (22/01225/FUL)
 Teri Porter
 Artisan Glasgow Ingram Ltd
 Site Inspection, Further Written Submission, Hearing
 Notice of Intention Issued
 Lawson, Paul (Tel: 01 - Email:
 Ms Elspeth Cook
 07 Sep 2023 at 14:30
 27 Jun 2023
 29 Sep 2023
 **Case Update – 16/07/2024** The reporter(s) is minded to grant permission subject to a legal agreement being reached. The final decision has therefore been deferred for the period detailed in the Notice of Intention to allow the conclusion of that agreement.
 Building Alterations (non-householder), Housing (10 or more houses), Retail (non-food),

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
09 Jan 2024 09 Jan 2024 Correspondence Agent - Porter Planning Requesting update on Report and DPEA response 0.29MB (URL Details)
28 Nov 2023 29 Nov 2023 Correspondence Interested party - Allan McDonald City Property LL Advising new point of Contact for City Property Glasgow 0.24MB (URL Details)
15 Nov 2023 15 Nov 2023 Correspondence Agent Porter Planning Requesting update on Report and DPEA response 0.27MB (URL Details)
05 Oct 2023 05 Oct 2023 Correspondence DPEA to - Mr Hughes Email from Mr Hughes regarding rooftop fans and DPEA response 0.09MB (URL Details)
05 Oct 2023 05 Oct 2023 Correspondence DPEA to - Dr E Mills Email from Dr Mills regarding rooftop fans and DPEA response 0.22MB (URL Details)
31 Aug 2023 31 Aug 2023 Correspondence Interested party Mr D Cowan Email from Mr Cowan regarding participation at hearing and DPEA response 0.20MB (URL Details)
31 Aug 2023 01 Sep 2023 Correspondence Interested party Mr D Cowan Mr D Cowan advising wishing to view proceedings online 0.21MB (URL Details)
16 Aug 2023 17 Aug 2023 Correspondence Agent Teri Porter Email from Agent Porter Planning regarding timescale for submissions and DPEA response 0.55MB (URL Details)
14 Jul 2023 14 Jul 2023 Correspondence Agent Porter Planning Email from Porter Planning regarding condition 24 0.31MB (URL Details)
13 Jul 2023 13 Jul 2023 Correspondence Interested party Dr Mills Email from Dr Mills and DPEA response 0.35MB (URL Details)

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