CPO-320-1 (Compulsory Purchase Order)
 Millcroft Road, Cumbernauld, G67 2QJ
 North Lanarkshire Council (Blocks C, D And E Millcroft Road, Cumbernauld) Compulsory Purchase Order 2023
 04 Aug 2023
 North Lanarkshire Council
 Allocated to reporter
 Cowie, Karen (Tel: 0131 244 6936 - Email: Karen.Cowie@gov.scot)
 Mr Paul Cackette
 01 Nov 2023
 23 Feb 2024
 **Case Update – 12/06/2024** A hearing session will be held. The hearing will commence at 09:30 on Tuesday 27 August 2024. The Hearing will take place at Castlecary House Hotel, Castlecary Road, Castlecary Glasgow, G68 0HD.
 Compulsory Purchase Order ,

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
04 Sep 2024 05 Sep 2024 Correspondence Statutory Objector - D Adnan Offering response to previous email exchanges 0.24MB (URL Details)
05 Jun 2024 06 Jun 2024 Correspondence DPEA and A Azam Exchange clarifing points on legal advice 0.21MB (URL Details)
29 Nov 2023 30 Nov 2023 Correspondence Agent obo Acquiring Authority - Brodies LLP Advising 2019 resport has been circulated in full and the 2023 Hardies report is not yet complete 0.27MB (URL Details)
28 Nov 2023 29 Nov 2023 Correspondence Agent for Acquiring Authority - Brodies LLP Attaching Appendices C & D 0.15MB (URL Details)
28 Nov 2023 29 Nov 2023 Correspondence Agent for Acquiring Authority - Brodies LLP Attaching Appendices E & F 0.15MB (URL Details)
24 Nov 2023 28 Nov 2023 Correspondence Agent for Acquiring Authority - Brodies LLP Advising of a delay when able to confirm availiabity of witnesses 0.25MB (URL Details)
24 Nov 2023 01 May 2024 Correspondence Statutory Objector - D Adnan and Agent for Acquiri Exchange advising not receivd the relevant documents therefore cannot offer comments 0.27MB (URL Details)
09 Oct 2023 09 Oct 2023 Correspondence Mr Anzabi Email from Mr Anzabi withdrawing complaint 0.22MB (URL Details)
09 Oct 2023 09 Oct 2023 Correspondence DPEA to - Authority Clarifying that objection has been withdrawn 0.21MB (URL Details)
27 Sep 2023 27 Sep 2023 Correspondence Acquiring Authority's Agent - Brodies LLP Advising new contact details 0.14MB (URL Details)

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