CPO-270-11 (Compulsory Purchase Order)
 The Transportation Of Windfarm Components From Scrabster Harbour To Wind Farm Site, Strathy South Wind Farm, Sutherland, KW14
 The Strathy South Wind Farm Compulsory Purchase Order 2023
 20 Mar 2024
 Highland Council (N/A)
 Mr K Campbell
 Further Written Submission, Inquiry
 Allocated to reporter
 Smith, Morag (Tel: 0131 244 8173 - Email: Morag.Smith@gov.scot)
 Mr Gordon Reid
 25 Jun 2024
 29/10/2024 at Reay (nr Thurso) Village Hall
 25 Dec 2024
 **Case Update – 17/07/2024** An inquiry session will be held. The date and venue for the session are indicated above. Full details of those sessions are detailed in the procedure notice on the case file. Members of the public are welcome to attend the inquiry sessions to observe proceedings. Please note the proceedings may be webcast and if so, will be available to view at www.dpea.public-i.tv.
 Compulsory Purchase Order ,

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
06 Sep 2024 06 Sep 2024 Correspondence The Highland Council Email withdrawing objection from The Highland Council 0.29MB (URL Details)
05 Sep 2024 06 Sep 2024 Correspondence Agent - Burges Salmon LLP obo Kirkton Wind Farm Lt Advising withdrawing from future procedures 0.28MB (URL Details)
04 Sep 2024 06 Sep 2024 Correspondence Agent - CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP Advising agreement has been reached with The Highland Council 0.63MB (URL Details)
08 Aug 2024 12 Aug 2024 Correspondence Agent - CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP Advising Peter Oag has withdrawn his objection 0.33MB (URL Details)
04 Jul 2024 05 Jul 2024 Correspondence Agent - Young Robertson & Co obo Andrew Chadwick CD006.002 - Email from Young Robertson & Co obo Andrew Chadwick confirming Withdrawal of Objection 2.80MB (URL Details)
28 Jun 2024 01 Jul 2024 Correspondence Agent - CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP o CD006.003 - Plots 1a & 1b - Advising parties have reached voluntary agreement with landowners - A & C Brunner 0.72MB (URL Details)
24 Jun 2024 25 Jun 2024 Correspondence Agent - CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP o CD006.005 - Plots 10a & 10b - Advising parties have reached voluntary agreement with landowner - Andrew C Chadwick 0.99MB (URL Details)
24 Jun 2024 25 Jun 2024 Correspondence Agent - CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP o CD006.004 - Plot 7a - Advising parties have reached voluntary agreement with landowner - Robert D Meiklejohn 0.99MB (URL Details)
23 May 2024 28 May 2024 Correspondence Agent - CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP ob Advising of availability for PEM 0.29MB (URL Details)
16 Apr 2024 17 Apr 2024 Correspondence ECU CD006.001 - Email withdrawing objection from Highland Historic Buildings Trust 0.22MB (URL Details)

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