CPO-230-002 (Compulsory Purchase Order)
 North Of Edinburgh City Centre, Granton Waterfront Development, Edinburgh, EH5 1PE
 The City Of Edinburgh Council - Granton Waterfront, Phase 1 Compulsory Purchase Order 2023
 28 Jun 2023
 08 Jan 2024
 City of Edinburgh Council (Granton Waterfront P1)
 Site Inspection, Hearing
 Report Issued
 Ramsay, Elaine (Tel: 0131 244 7538 - Email: Planning.Decisions@gov.scot)
 Ms Trudi Craggs
 22 May 2024 at 10:00
 04 Jun 2024
 29 Nov 2024
 **Case Update – 06/09/2024** A report for this case has been submitted to Scottish Ministers. A decision by Scottish Ministers will be made in due course.
 Building Alterations (non-householder), Compulsory Purchase Order , Retail (non-food),

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
21 May 2024 21 May 2024 Response Statutory Objector Leonardo Ferreira - Confirming taking part 0.19MB (URL Details)
20 May 2024 20 May 2024 Correspondence G. & L. D'Inverno Limited Confirming attendance at accompanied site inspection 0.08MB (URL Details)
16 May 2024 16 May 2024 Correspondence DPEA to Acquiring Authority and opt-in parties Confirming site inspection arrangements and update on objections 0.13MB (URL Details)
29 Apr 2024 02 May 2024 Correspondence Agent - Thorntons Solicitors obo Mr Leonardo Ferre Confirming attendance at accompanied site inspection and PEM 0.19MB (URL Details)
16 Apr 2024 16 Apr 2024 Correspondence Acquiring Authority - City of Edinburgh Council Authority - Confirming taking part 0.39MB (URL Details)
16 Apr 2024 16 Apr 2024 Correspondence Statutory Objector Lidl Great Britain - Confirming taking part 0.31MB (URL Details)
12 Apr 2024 15 Apr 2024 Response Statutory Objector Jaroslaw Wiatrowski - KJJ Foods Ltd - Confirming taking part 0.18MB (URL Details)

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