CPO-230-3 (Compulsory Purchase Order)
 West Edinburgh Link, Southern And Central Sections, Edinburgh, EH12 9JD
 The City Of Edinburgh Council (West Edinburgh Link: Southern And Central Sections) Compulsory Purchase Order 2023
 27 Feb 2024
 City of Edinburgh Council (N/A)
 Mr Keith Campbell - Sent by E-mail
 Site Inspection, Hearing
 Allocated to reporter
 Walker, Laura (Tel: 0131 244 6938 - Email: Laura.Walker@scot.gov.uk)
 Ms Frances McChlery
 30 Apr 2024 at 14:00
 07 May 2024
 08 Oct 2024
 **Case Update – 15/05/2024** A virtual hearing session will be held. Full details of the session are detailed in the procedure notice on the case file. Members of the public can view the proceedings at www.dpea.public-i.tv
 Road/Bridge, Compulsory Purchase Order ,

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
29 Apr 2024 29 Apr 2024 Correspondence DPEA to parties Email exchange providing clarity on site inspection 0.09MB (URL Details)
02 Apr 2024 02 Apr 2024 Correspondence Authority's Agent - CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Ol Confirming availability to potential Site Inspection date and agreeing to prepapre a draft itinerary 0.25MB (URL Details)
28 Mar 2024 28 Mar 2024 Correspondence DPEA to All Parties Requesting availability for accompanied SI 0.18MB (URL Details)

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