PPA-110-2456 (Planning Permission Appeal)
 Lochengair, 62 Arduthie Road, Stonehaven, AB39 2EH
 Full Planning Permission For Installation Of Replacement Windows
 Planning permission
 26 Jul 2024
 Aberdeenshire Council (APP/2024/0197)
 09 Feb 2024
 21 May 2024
 Mr & Mrs P Skinner
 Mr C Marshall
 Refusal of Application
 Site Inspection
 Decision issued
 Smith, Morag (Tel: 0131 244 8173 - Email: Morag.Smith@gov.scot)
 Ms Trudi Craggs
 05 Sep 2024 at 11:00
 18 Oct 2024
 11 Oct 2024 (Appeal Allowed )
 **Case Update – 11/10/2024** The decision on this case has been issued. The case has been allowed and consent has been granted.
 Windows - UPVC,

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
23 Aug 2024 23 Aug 2024 Response Authority Confirming Attendance at Site Inspection 0.14MB (URL Details)
22 Aug 2024 22 Aug 2024 Response Agent - CR Smith Confirming Attendance at Site Inspection 0.26MB (URL Details)
20 Aug 2024 20 Aug 2024 Correspondence DPEA to Agent - CR Smith and Authority Advising of accompanied site inspection arrangements 0.17MB (URL Details)

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