CPO-260-5 (Compulsory Purchase Order)
 73 Rylees Crescent, Glasgow, G52 4DA
 Glasgow City Council (73 Rylees Crescent, Glasgow) Compulsory Purchase Order 2023
 08 Sep 2023
 Glasgow City Council (N/A)
 Decision issued
 Davidson, Rebecca (Tel: 01312448263 - Email: Rebecca.Davidson@gov.scot)
 Mr Paul Cackette
 08 Feb 2024
 19 Apr 2024
 16 Apr 2024 (Order or Notice Confirmed)
 Compulsory Purchase Order ,

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
07 Feb 2024 07 Feb 2024 Documents Acquiring Authority Homes Fit for the 21st Century 2011 2020 1.42MB (URL Details)
07 Feb 2024 07 Feb 2024 Documents Acquiring Authority Housing to 2040 Vision and Principles_ Scottish Government March 2021 0.13MB (URL Details)
09 Jan 2024 09 Jan 2024 Order/Statement of Reasons Authority Statement of Case 0.24MB (URL Details)
21 Nov 2023 22 Nov 2023 Documents Authority Confirming participation 0.52MB (URL Details)
21 Nov 2023 22 Nov 2023 Documents Natalie MSP OBO Statutory Objector - P Gillespie Confirming objection still stands 0.13MB (URL Details)
08 Sep 2023 20 Sep 2023 Documents Glasgow City Council Authority’s Response to Objection 1.10MB (URL Details)
08 Sep 2023 20 Sep 2023 Documents Glasgow City Council Annex A - Background Document 1 - Committee Minute 06 10 2022 four CPOs Glasgow 0.09MB (URL Details)
08 Sep 2023 20 Sep 2023 Documents Glasgow City Council Annex A - Background Document 10 - Letter to Mr Gillespie enclosing form 3 and plan 12.7.23 2.33MB (URL Details)
08 Sep 2023 20 Sep 2023 Documents Glasgow City Council Annex A - Background Document 2 - Committee Report 06 October 2022 0.16MB (URL Details)
08 Sep 2023 20 Sep 2023 Documents Glasgow City Council Annex A - Background Document 3 - 73 Rylees Crescent - Title Sheet GLA61964 May 2023 0.05MB (URL Details)

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  • Displaying Results 0 - 10 of 29