WIN-130-6 (Section 36 Wind Farm)
 Narachan Hill, Land East Of Tayinloan, PA29
 Erection Of 11 Turbines Of Up To 180M To Blade Tip And Associated Infrastructure
 01 Sep 2022
 Argyll and Bute Council, Argyll and Bute Council
 Kathryn Nolin
 Further Written Submission, Inquiry, Hearing
 Decision issued
 Anderson, Jayne (Tel: 0131 244 6934 - Email:
 Mrs Lorna McCallum
 07 Dec 2022
 15 Sep 2023
 08 Mar 2024 (Application Refused)
 Wind Farm (two or more turbines),

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
07 Mar 2023 07 Mar 2023 Agenda DPEA Agenda - Aviation Lighting Hearing 0.08MB (URL Details)
02 Mar 2023 02 Mar 2023 Agenda DPEA Agenda - Policy Hearing 0.11MB (URL Details)
02 Mar 2023 02 Mar 2023 Agenda DPEA Agenda - Conditions Hearing 0.12MB (URL Details)
01 Mar 2023 01 Mar 2023 Statement Agent - CMS-CMNO Addendum to Conditions Hearing Statement - CMS-CMNO 0.27MB (URL Details)
28 Feb 2023 01 Mar 2023 Statement Agent - CMS-CMNO CD015.035 - Aviation Lighting Session Hearing Statement - CMS-CMNO 0.19MB (URL Details)
22 Feb 2023 22 Feb 2023 Statement Authority CD015.036 - Aviation Lighting Session Hearing Statement - Authority 0.15MB (URL Details)
16 Feb 2023 17 Feb 2023 Statement Authority Conditions Hearing Statement - Authority 0.14MB (URL Details)
13 Feb 2023 15 Feb 2023 Statement Agent - CMS-CMNO Hearing Statement on Conditions - CMS-CMNO 0.13MB (URL Details)
13 Feb 2023 15 Feb 2023 Statement Agent - CMS-CMNO Hearing Statement on Policy - CMS-CMNO 0.65MB (URL Details)
13 Feb 2023 15 Feb 2023 Statement Agent - CMS-CMNO Inquiry Report - CMS-CMNO 26.84MB (URL Details)

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