WIN-140-9 (Section 36 Wind Farm)
 Greystone Knowe Wind Farm, To The West Of The A7 Trunk Road On Land Approximately 2 Km South Of Heriot And 2.5 Km, West Of Fountainhall, TD1 2TH
 Proposed Onshore Wind Farm To Be Located In The Scottish Borders Comprising Of 14 Turbines, Hub Height 110 Metres And Each Turbine Will Have A Maximum Height To Blade Tip Up To 180 Metres
 01 May 2024
 Scottish Borders Council (N/A)
 Mr Fraser Gillies
 Greystone Knowe Wind Farm Ltd
 Inquiry, Hearing
 Allocated to reporter
 Brown, Christine (Tel: 0131 244 6866 - Email:
 Ms Sinead Lynch
 10 Oct 2024
 04 Jun 2025
 **Case Update – 23/08/2024** The case has been placed on hold due allow progress on Eskdalemuir to be discussed
 Wind Farm (two or more turbines),

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
12 Aug 2024 13 Aug 2024 Correspondence Interested party Mr Lucking Email from Mr Lucking regarding Participation at PEM and DPEA response 0.10MB (URL Details)
11 Jul 2024 12 Jul 2024 Response Midlothian Council Advising they will not be participating at Inquiry 0.23MB (URL Details)
09 Jul 2024 09 Jul 2024 Response Douglas Milne - on behalf of MOD Morton Fraser MacRoberts on behalf of MOD - Confirming taking part 0.19MB (URL Details)
09 Jul 2024 10 Jul 2024 Response Scottish Ornithology Club David Parkinson - Scottish Ornitholgists Club - confirming taking part 0.21MB (URL Details)
09 Jul 2024 10 Jul 2024 Correspondence Interested party Ian Kelly Advising of availaiblity for Inquiry 0.19MB (URL Details)
08 Jul 2024 08 Jul 2024 Response Graeme Nisbet Email from Graeme Nisbet on behalf of Stow and Fountainhall Community Council advising no longer wishes to take part in Inquiry 0.10MB (URL Details)
08 Jul 2024 08 Jul 2024 Response Consultee - SEPA SEPA advising they do not wish to take part at Inquiry 0.28MB (URL Details)
08 Jul 2024 09 Jul 2024 Response Interested party - Fiona Henderson Fiona Henderson - confirming taking part 0.18MB (URL Details)
05 Jul 2024 08 Jul 2024 Correspondence Historic Environment Scotland Historic Enviroment Scotland advising they do not wish to take part 0.47MB (URL Details)
04 Jul 2024 04 Jul 2024 Response Interested party Stow Cycle Hub Stow Cycle Hub confirming taking part 0.17MB (URL Details)

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