LBA-110-2020 (Listed Building Consent Appeal)
 Terpersie Castle, Tullynessle, Alford, Aberdeenshire, AB33 8QR
 Listed Building Consent For Alterations And Extension To Dwellinghouse Including Installation Of Air Source Heat Pump
 Listed building consent, including refusal of an approval required by a condition
 23 Nov 2022
 Aberdeenshire Council (APP/2022/1134)
 17 May 2022
 02 Sep 2022
 Ms Pippa Robertson
 Refusal of Application
 Site Inspection, Further Written Submission
 Decision issued
 Barnes, Jamie (Tel: 01 - Email:
 Mr Trevor Croft
 16 Feb 2023 at 14:00
 09 May 2023
 08 Feb 2024 (Appeal Allowed )
 Building Alterations (householder),

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
15 Mar 2023 22 Mar 2023 Response Agent - Gerry Robb, Architectural Design Comments on response(s) received 0.26MB (URL Details)
27 Feb 2023 02 Mar 2023 Response Agent - Aurora Planning Ltd Mrs Kirstie Forbes-Sempill 0.48MB (URL Details)
17 Feb 2023 02 Mar 2023 Response Authority Aberdeenshire Council 0.20MB (URL Details)
16 Feb 2023 17 Feb 2023 Procedure Notice DPEA to Agent - Aurora Planning Limited Request further written submissions 0.18MB (URL Details)
16 Feb 2023 17 Feb 2023 Procedure Notice DPEA to Authority Request further written submissions 0.18MB (URL Details)

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