WIN-170-2008 (Section 36 Wind Farm)
 Scoop Hill Community Wind Farm, Located Approximately 5 Km South East Of Moffat, Dumfries And Galloway , DG11 2LP
 Application Under S36 Of The Electricity Act 1989 For The Scoop Hill Community Wind Farm Comprising Of 60 Turbines (23 Turbines At 250M To Tip, 2 Turbines At 225M To Tip, 29 Turbines At 200M To Tip, And 6 Turbines At 180M To Tip) With A Combined Generating Capacity Of 432Mw, And Associated Works
 17 May 2024
 Dumfries and Galloway Council (N/A)
 Keith Campbell
 CWL Energy Limited
 Site Inspection, Further Written Submission, Inquiry, Hearing
 Allocated to reporter
 Devoy, Audrey (Tel: 0131 244 8182 - Email:
 Mr Christopher Warren
 12 Sep 2024
 03/12/2024 at Moffat Town Hall
10/12/2024 at Virtual Meeting
 28 May 2025
 **Case Update – 10/09/2024** A virtual pre-examination meeting into this case will be held. The date can be viewed on the case website . Members of the public can view the proceedings at
 Wind Farm (two or more turbines),

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
21 Oct 2024 21 Oct 2024 Correspondence DPEA to Consultees - NatureScot and RSPB Scotland Invite comments on response to matter 5 0.15MB (URL Details)
21 Oct 2024 21 Oct 2024 Correspondence DPEA to Agent - Harper MacLeod LLP Invite comments on response to matter 5 0.14MB (URL Details)
18 Oct 2024 21 Oct 2024 Response Agent - CMS CMNO LLP CMS CMNO LLP on behalf of CWL Energy Limited - Matter 5 0.08MB (URL Details)
18 Oct 2024 21 Oct 2024 Documents Agent - CMS CMNO LLP Outline Habitat Management and Enhancement Plan (October 2024) 14.77MB (URL Details)
18 Oct 2024 21 Oct 2024 Documents Agent - CMS CMNO LLP Plan of Retained Western Access Track 2.52MB (URL Details)
18 Oct 2024 21 Oct 2024 Correspondence DPEA to Agent - CMS CMNO LLP Advise receipt of response for matter 5 0.15MB (URL Details)
17 Oct 2024 17 Oct 2024 Correspondence DPEA to Agent - CMS CMNO LLP Advise receipt of response for matter 6 0.15MB (URL Details)
17 Oct 2024 17 Oct 2024 Correspondence DPEA to Agent - Harper MacLeod LLP Invite comments on response to matter 6 0.14MB (URL Details)
17 Oct 2024 17 Oct 2024 Correspondence DPEA to Consultee - SEPA Invite comments on response to matter 6 0.14MB (URL Details)
16 Oct 2024 16 Oct 2024 Correspondence DPEA and Agent - CMS CMNO LLP Exchange regarding link to MBA website in further written submission response to matter 4 0.26MB (URL Details)

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