CAT-320-1 (Community Asset Transfer Appeal)
 Viewpark Gardens, Baird's Avenue, Uddingston, G71 6HG
 Request Made Under Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 For The Asset Transfer Of Viewpark Gardens
 Community Asset Transfer Application
 03 Jul 2021
 North Lanarkshire Council (N/A)
 View Park Gardens Trust
 Site Inspection, Further Written Submission
 Decision issued
 MacKenzie, Scott (Tel: 0131 244 8179 - Email:
 Mr Steve Field
 15 Sep 2021 at 11:00
 15 Dec 2021
 11 Mar 2022 (Appeal Allowed )
 Community Asset Transfer,

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
02 Aug 2021 25 Aug 2021 Documents View Park Gardens Trust Response to North Lanarkshire Council Response to Appeal to Scottish Ministers - Holyrood Response 0.39MB (URL Details)
02 Aug 2021 25 Aug 2021 Documents View Park Garden Trust Response to North Lanarkshire Council Response to Appeal to Scottish Ministers - Appendices_Redacted 9.64MB (URL Details)

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