PPA-250-2399 (Planning Permission Appeal)
 1 Lindsay Berwick Place , Anstruther , Fife , KY10 3YP
 Change Of Use From Public Open Space To Private Parking Area
 Planning permission
 03 Aug 2023
 Fife Council (23/00277/FULL)
 02 Feb 2023
 22 May 2023
 Mr & Mrs Gordon Nicoll
 Mr Darren O'Hare
 Refusal of Application
 Site Inspection
 Decision issued
 Pseiraki, Anastasia (Tel: 0131 244 6927 - Email: dpeaitfinance@gov.scot)
 Fortune Gumbo
 26 Oct 2023
 28 Sep 2023 (Appeal Allowed )
 Car park,

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
18 Sep 2023 20 Sep 2023 Further Supporting Information Agent - Montgomery Forgan Associates Montgomery Forgan Associates 0.51MB (URL Details)

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