Planning Appeals On-line
The DPEA Division of the Scottish Government plays an important role in the Planning Appeals system in Scotland. The DPEA is responsible for the administration of over 20 different types of casework.
Contact DPEA:
Phone: 0300 244 6668
The guidance below provides information on different aspects of the planning process:
How to Appeal Guidance
Appeal Forms and Authority Response Forms
Guidance on Taking Part in Appeals and Other Cases
Planning appeals: Submitting documents electronically
Local Development Plan Guidance
Reporters Guidance Notes
Other Case Work
Core Documents Library
Website Guidance, including DPEA Portal user guidance
Challenging a DPEA Decision
Live and archived DPEA webcasts and guidance videos are available to view on our Webcasting Site.
Once a decision is made, the majority of case documentation will remain on our website for up to 7 years from the date the decision is made to provide resource material on the SG decision making process. After 7 years most documents will be removed but the initial appeal or application documentation, the decision issued by DPEA and other selected key documentation will be retained for 30 years as deemed necessary in the public interest. Copies of archived decision notices can be sought by consulting with the National Library.
DPEA's Privacy Notice is available on the Scottish Government Website.
Planning, Architecture and Regeneration Decisions Branch (PARD) processes a wide range of statutory planning and historic environment casework that Scottish Ministers have an interest in. The range of case types includes: notified applications, compulsory purchase orders and EIA screening directions.
Contact PARD:
Phone: 0131 244 7073